Past and Present Events
So as my involvement in the community has grown I get to attend some pretty cool events. The latest was the EVC Venture Capital Event this past Tuesday, March 19th, at the Madonna Expo Center. I've got this neat idea that I don't want to put out there in public too too much, but if you know my background you wouldn't be surprised to find that it is a new web site idea. But it's only an idea, so I went with my little placard of mockups, some business cards, and a fact sheet, and crossed my fingers that some angel investor might write me a check.
That went ok. What was interesting, however, was the level of technology that is being developed here on the Central Coast. Aeromech, who will be presenting at the next Softec meeting, builds Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for both commercial and military applications. They were in the booth on my left. Phoenix is looking to upgrade the Kit airplane to a "sexy" two seater plane that actually kneels so you can get in like a car. They were in the booth on my right. Fleet Management Solutions, who does asset tracking via GPS, a company that is building the next electric car, and New Image Technologies' Elements, a custom networking website platform, and another company doing specialized wireless video, were all there. And while I was personally outclassed, I was also amazed and proud to be part of the tech industry here in SLO County and beyond. There's a lot of great stuff going on around here if you know where to look. Hopefully you will all come to the Softec meeting and see Aeromech in person. It's well worth the visit.
In addition, Microsoft's CodeTrip will be coming to Cuesta College on March 31st. CodeTrip is basically a bunch of code geeks on a bus, touring the West Coast in support of some new, really cool Microsoft technologies. Through my contacts via the San Luis Obispo .NET User Group, we were able to get them to visit us here in SLO on their way from LA to SF, where they will be stopping by VSLive the first week of April.
They will be giving presentations to student classes and then holding a general session at 6 pm at the school. Another great opportunity to expose yourself to the great technologies available to you.
Hope to see you there,
Robert Hope
Founder, San Luis Obispo .NET User Group