Wednesday, November 15, 2006

SLO .NET User Group has first meeting...and gets recognized by INETA

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a bit silent lately, but I went to VSLive! in Boston the last week in October and spent some time on either side of the conference visiting my family up in New Hampshire. Then I came back and it took me a bit to catch up with everything. One of the things I had to catch up on was my first User Group meeting.

Last night the first meeting was held and by all accounts is was a great success. 10 people showed up for pizza, lively discussion, and networking. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was very pleased with the turnout and everyone's interaction.

I give myself a B on my presentation. I tried to pick an interesting topic, but I didn't have a whole lot of time to prepare and so I was a bit slow during the code samples. But it was my first time through the talk so I already know what I need to do to improve on it. Plus I got some good feedback on the talk from the group.

On top of that, today INETA, the International .NET Association, marked our group as Active and now it can be found on their site. Plus we get access to speakers and I get to put the logo on the UG website. Needless to say, I'm very excited about this turn of events.

I hope to get back to my blog topics pretty soon...going to try and get a synopsis of my last talk up here pretty quickly.

Talk to you later!
